I'm not very eloquent with words especially in a post like this, bear with me.
Its hard to believe that today marks the two year anniversary of the shooting at Virginia Tech. In some ways, it feels like 4.16.07 was last week however its pretty easy to try to convince myself that it never happened. This week has been more difficult than I imagined it would be. My heart has been so heavy. I remember one of the students at Tech talking about grief, described it as the ripples in water when you throw in a rock. Right at the center the ripples are tight and close together, but as they move out they get farther apart. The hard days are getting farther apart but they still exist and I definitely have had some hard days this week. Today, I'm choosing to remember the 32 and to celebrate life.
That first week, all I could do was take pictures. I didn't know how else to deal with the pain. I took over 1,000 images during that time. I have these photos on my website, but I wanted to share them with you again today. These photos are a small glimpse of that time.

Please remember the families of the 32, their hearts are heavy and aching.