

I've decided to begin using this blog not only as a way to share my photos but also as a way to share my heart more openly. So here we go...

The past 5 or 6 years have been pretty monumental in my life. The Lord has been teaching me so much about what His love looks like and just how much He truly loves me despite the mistakes and choices that I have made that aren't exactly glorifying to Him. As I've been learning about His love, He's been using the word "beloved" to teach me. I've been having a blast as He's been revealing His love to me more and more each day. I will always be His beloved and His love for me is unconditional, no matter what, I'll never be able to get away from it! As I've been grasping the concept of the word "beloved," I decided to make a commitment to accept the name He has given me and the love He has for me. I chose to make a public commitment to it by having one of my sister's friends tattoo it on my foot! I know that many will disagree with this decision, however, in the few days I've had it, I've already been able to talk to complete strangers about God's love because of it! Praise Him! I handed my camera to my sister during this event. Here are a few moments she captured for me.

{that isn't bruising. just extra ink.}


leslie said...

susan--it's gorgeous! you bless my heart.

rachael said...

Hi Susan!
I just felt compelled to leave you a message. I found your site through facebook.Your photography is amazing; you have a good eye for this! I Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and it looks like you're doing great! You look great too! Check out my site too, if you get bored: http://www.creativeagingcincinnati.org/pages/content/in_facility_art_programs.html

Take care! And I love your tatoo. I won't get one until it means something that strong for me too! Try not to scratch!
Rachael Geglein Demir